The communication materials shown here are detailed below:
* The British Council in Tanzania (British Council, 2009). Booklet co-author.
* Highlights from 4 pilot HIV initiatives in Tanzania (AED/T-MARC, 2011). Booklet author.
* Articles on child marriage & the African diaspora (Womankind magazine Australia, 2017). Author.
* The Boresha Program: Highlights & Lessons Learnt (PEPFAR/ Ministry of Health/AGPAHI, 2022). Author.
* Article on whalesharks (East African Destinations magazine, 2013). Author.
* Communities, Conservation & Carbon, Supporting Indonesia’s Green-Blue Economy (KfW, 2022). Author.
* Articles on health and healing, Salt & Pepper Africa magazine, 2012. Author.
* The Maize Value Chain In Tanzania, (FAO, 2014). Report editor.
* FY21 Sustainability Report (Edgewell/Flag Communications. Co-author.
* Article on elephants and travel, Sawubona inflight magazine, 2013 & 2017. Author.
* Street Level, 2nd edition (Mkuki na Nyota, 2012). Poetry contributor.
* United Nations Development Assistance Framework, 2007-10 (One UN). Editor.
* Investigating Members’ Participation in Civil Society Networks (REPOA, 2012). Special Paper Editor.
* Never. Stop. Caring. Annual Sustainability Report (Edgewell/Flag Communications, 2020). Co-author.
* The Kizazi Kipya Project Whole School Approach (USAID/PACT, 2017). Standard Op. Procedures. Editor.
* Pamoja Tuwalee Annual Report (Pact, 2016). Author.
* Indonesia’s Sustainable Ecosystem Approach (SEA) Project (USAID, 2017/8/) Report Editor.
* Community Conservancy End-of-Program Technical Report (KWCA, 2020). Editor.
* Consolidated Annual report (Pact Tanzania, 2017). Author.
* Our Story and Impact (AGPAHI, 2022). Booklet author.
* The Promise of a Better Tomorrow (PACT, 2018). Pamphlet author.
* Messages for the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (MoF/Irish Aid booklet, 2012). Editor.
* Article on the rock art of Kondoa (Salt & Pepper Africa magazine, 2012). Author.
* On the trail of Wild dogs’, article for East African Destinations magazine, 2013. Author.
* Nabaki Africa: 25 years & Beyond (backcover of Nabaki brochure, 2020). Author.
Additional reports, brochures, manuals and training materials include the:
* Progress Report on the African Charter on the Rights & Welfare of the Child (GoT/UNICEF, 2005)
* Report on the 1972 Burundian Refugees (UNHCR, 2007)
* Reducing Weapons, Arms & Conflict in Northwest Tanzania (UNDP, 2008)
* HIV and Disability in Tanzania (GIZ, CCBRT Disability Hospital, 2009)
* Building a District & Community HIV Response (Tanzanian Commission for AIDS/GIZ, 2010)
* The Impact of Local Government Reforms (Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2010)
* Tanzania Country Strategy Paper 2011-5 (Irish Aid/Embassy of Ireland, 2011)
* Supporting Tanzania’s Cocoa Farmers (Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2012)
* Ethics in Maternal Healthcare: Evidence from Four Districts (Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2013)
* Farming as a Business (FAO, 2014)
* Impact of the Pamoja Tuwalee Program on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (Pact, 2016)
* The Kizazi Kipya Project’s Whole School Approach for Vulnerable children & Adolescents (Pact, 2017)
* Indonesia’s Sustainable Ecosystem Approach (SEA) Project (quarterly & annual reports, USAID, 2018/9)